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Family Chronicle

A printed family chronicle is the ultimate narrative of your family story. You may share the complete results of heraldry as a limited release meant only for family members & close friends or release it for the general public.

In a family chronicle, all the information we collect – including curriculum vitae, photographs and family stories – are prepared and rendered for any interested reader. Your family legacy can also be connected to the regional and even nationwide historical archives.

The genealogical story of your family allows each member to see his or her place in the lineage and their family roots. Family members can better understand the history of their own bloodline as well as bring them closer to ancestors that have passed long ago. As our world transitions to a truly global community in ways our ancestors never imagined, we must each do our part to protect our family heritage before it is lost to the ages.

You can see how one’s heraldry is more than just a hobby – it becomes an invaluable family treasure. A family chronicle is assurance that your heraldry will be kept for many generations to come. We offer full-service composition of the family chronicle including interviews with live relatives, reviewing personal documents & letters and, with your cooperation, annotate your family chronicle with a personal note. Leveraging our unparalleled expertise, we will weave anecdotal pieces together with meticulous research to construct your complete family history.

Do you have a big family event coming soon? These are perfect opportunities to announce your family chronicle! Don’t delay – the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can get started!

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