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Transcriptions / Translations

Are you familiar with this situation? You are holding historic family documentations in your own hands and notice that the practised lettering seems to be from ancient times. You try keenly to disassemble the text word by word, but it takes great amounts of time and effort.

This kind of work is a daily occurrence in our field of work, the Genealogical research. The comprehension and knowledge of reading and understanding of old scripture is of prime importance to deploying successfully the utilized archives.

We want to introduce ourselves to be your reliable and helping partner. A majority of our clients is not just interested in the registers and dates, but a transcription of the related documents and archives as well. This step is fundamental to comprehend the vast backcloth in ones history throughout numbers of sides and lines.

We are able to interpret writings from up to 700 year ago. This includes Kurrent (the old German script) and Suetterlin.

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... weil in Magdeburg fast alle Kirchenbücher der Evangelischen Kirche Mitteldeutschlands (größte Teile Sachsen-Anhalts sowie nördliche Kirchenkreise in Sachsen und Thüringen) auf derzeit mehr als 8.500 Mikrofilmen verfilmt sind.

... weil in Magdeburg das Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt seinen Hauptsitz hat und auf Grund seiner umfangreichen Bestände gerade für Familienforscher sehr interessant ist.

... weil Magdeburg im Herzen des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt liegt und somit sind wichtige Archivstandorte (u.a. Wolfenbüttel, Hannover, Brandenburg an der Havel, Berlin, Dessau, Leipzig, Erfurt und Eisenach) schnell erreichbar sind.